it first started with the applepicking at a local u-pick orchard near indianapolis...
my friends Rochelle and Grant helped me collect some of the best ones
then i got the apples all home and washed them all up to look nice and pretty...
and on a nice friday afternoon i turned them into the yummiest applesauce. i only ended up with enough for three jars, but that's alright. i can't wait to open them up in the middle of winter and enjoy the fresh apple taste.
TA DA!!!!
ahh, how fun! isn't it awesome even when it only comes out to a few jars? I think I still want to try and do the grapes in my yard... I heard somewhere the best time is after the first frost and although you never see the frost on the grass here like at home, it did snow yesterday morning for about 20 minutes, very very lightly, so I think tonight I may try!!
love ya!
What beautiful little tiny jars! Where did you get those, I've never seen that cute little shape before! And way to go on the applesauce, doesn't it feel great, even when it's only 3 jars! It's embarassing how many pictures I've taken of my jars of canning, I'm just so darn proud. And you should be too!
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