Sunday, October 18

the great KNITTED pumpkin

i knit a few of these last year and had so much fun that i ordered a bunch more orange yarn from joann' and set to creating a whole pumpkin patch for decorating with this fall. they are such a quick and easy knit. best of all the pattern is free: the great knitted pumpkin! you can make them big or small or in-between by changing the yarn and needle sizes, so really the possibilities are endless! the pattern shows green leaves attached to each stem, but i made all of mine without leaves because i thought they looked more traditional and simple. i don't know how many i will have by the time the craze passes but enough to be able to tell that it is definitely fall. and the weather outside is confirming that here in indiana! it's been a might chilly and we've been scraping ice off the car already. the leaves are pretty though, i hope to get a few shots of those before all the trees are bare and ready for snow.
happy fall everyone! happy pumpkin knitting!